Best Food Sources of Sulfur:

The best plant foods for sulfur are found in the Allium family which is high in allyl sulfides and sulfoxides. These include onions, garlic, leeks, shallots, & chives.  The cruciferous vegetable family has sulfur containing isothiocyanates that are potent cancer fighters.  These foods include broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussel sprouts, radishes, watercress, kale, & collard greens.
Animal foods rich in sulfur containing amino acids include organic eggs, wild-caught fish, & grass-fed beef. Raw dairy from grass-fed cows (particularly sulfur rich grass) is a great source of sulfur containing amino acids.  Bone Broth protein is also a rich source of key sulfur containing amino acids.  .

Sulfur Rich Meal Plan:

These are some ideas to help you get a lot of sulfur rich nutrients into your system each day.
Breakfast:     Option 1:  Protein shake with almond milk, berries and bone broth protein – you could also put an avocado in this to make it thicker and creamier and add more sulfur compounds.    Option 2:  Veggie omelet with 3 eggs and 2 oz of grass-fed cheese and onions, tomatoes and kale inside
Lunch:  Green juice with bok choy as the water rich vegetable and turnip or mustard greens as the chlorophyll rich greens.  Have this with an avocado salad with grass-fed cheese and/or organic chicken or if you want to eat lighter you could do guacamole and flax crackers
Dinner:  Steamed broccoli and cabbage (could also do brussel sprouts, cauliflower, asparagus, etc) with grass-fed butter smeared all over.  Grilled garlic lemon chicken cooked in coconut oil.  Top with herbs on both and you may want to include a small sweet potato with grass-fed butter and cinnamon on top.  Instead of the sweet potato, you could always do double veggies.