works as as powerful anti-oxidant and is required for your body to create glutathione your bodies master antioxidant.

Selenium also helps iodine regulate metabolism and selenium helps recycle vitamin C in the body improving overall cellular protection. For this reason, consuming foods high in selenium can support detoxification and take stress off the organs like the liver and thyroid.
Selenium deficiency symptoms include:
  • Thyroid dysfunction
  • Weakened immune system
  • Depression
  • Heart disease
  • Increased risk of cancer
 A deficiency may lead to pain and muscle weakness. 
The RDA  is 55 mcg/day 70 mcg

Foods High in Selenium 

1) Brazil nuts1 oz (6-8 nuts): 544 mcg (over 100% DV)
2) Yellowfin tuna3 oz: 92 mcg (over 100% DV)
3) Halibut, cooked3 oz: 47mcg (67% DV)
4) Sardines, canned3 oz: 45mcg (64% DV)
5) Grass-fed beef3 oz: 33 mcg (47% DV)
6) Turkey, boneless3 oz: 31 mcg (44% DV)
7) Beef liver3 oz: 28 mcg (40% DV)
8) Chicken3 oz: 22 mcg (31% DV)
9) Egg1 large, 15 mcg (21% DV)

10) Spinach1 cup: 11 mcg (16% DV)

selenium foods list
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Health Benefits of Chromium

1. Helps Control Blood Sugar and Prevent Diabetes

Chromium can help enhance the role of insulin, the critical hormone that controls blood sugar and helps bring glucose into cells where it’s used for bodily energy. 
Chromium also supports a healthy metabolism and storage of nutrients throughout the body, since it can help you better absorb and distribute nutrients from carbohydrates, fats and proteins found in the foods you eat.
Brewer’s yeast (also called nutritional yeast), for example, is a high source of chromium and has been found to help support metabolism of sugar (in the form of glucose) within the blood, which is beneficial for preventing glucose-intolerance, insulin-resistance and diabetes formation. (3)
However, it’s important to note that studies show mixed results when it comes to chromium’s effectiveness in preventing diabetes

2. Helps Reduce High Cholesterol

Chromium is needed for normal metabolism of fats, including cholesterol

3. May Help Prevent Weight Gain and Overeating

Chromium (in the form chromium picolinate or CrPic) has been associated with a reduction in the risk for obesity, less weight gain and may positively affect food intake. 
intake, reduced hunger levels, fewer fat cravings and a slight decrease in body weight. (7)

4. Helps Maintain Brain Health and Fight Cognitive Decline

Recent studies highlight the role of healthy insulin response in maintaining brain health and cognitive function into old age. Because chromium is capable of improving glucose levels and insulin response, it may act as a beneficial modulator of brain function and is associated with a reduction of age-related alterations of the brain.
Specifically, chromium is linked to healthier hypothalamic functions. The hypothalamus is extremely important, a central part of the autonomic nervous system that helps controls body temperature, thirst, hunger, sleep and emotional activity. (8) Research suggests that chromium can help keep the hypothalamus in a more youthful state, better regulate appetite in elderly adults and prevent negative effects on brain neurons caused by aging.
Many other parts of the brain may also benefit from higher chromium levels, including the the pineal gland and thymus, which are also impacted by insulin control.

5. May Help Improve Skin Health and Prevent Acne

Chromium helps to balance sugar levels and it is linked with improvements in skin health. Foods rich in chromium (such as broccoli) also usually contain other phyotnutrients and antioxidants that can improve skin’s appearance and help common signs of aging.

6. Supports a Healthy Metabolism and Energy Levels

Getting adequate amounts of trace minerals like chromium, calcium and magnesium are especially important for people who are active, since these micronutrients are needed to ensure the capacity to boost energy (calorie) expenditure, muscle and work performance.
Especially when someone restricts her body weight by eating less food and exercising, she needs to make sure to include plenty of chromium-rich foods in her diet in order to keep her metabolism running strong. Eating chromium-containing foods is important to make up for the loss of chromium being excreted through extra urine and sweat due to the recovery period following exercise. (9)

7. Helps Maintain Eye Health

What is chromium useful for when it comes to protecting your eye sight? Chromium can help protect from age-related eye disorders like glaucoma. Glaucoma is related to diabetes and caused by a buildup of fluid in the eye, adding harmful pressure to the eye’s delicate optic nerve, retina and lens, which can eventually lead to blindness. Chromium can lower the risk for diabetes and related eye disorders because of its beneficial role in controlling blood glucose.

8. Helps Protect Bones From Fractures and Osteoporosis

Chromium is known to slow the loss of calcium, so it might be beneficial for preventing bone loss and bone-related disorders that are especially common in older women. Therefore, it’s also a natural remedy for osteoporosis.

The best food in chromium 
  • Broccoli — 1 cup cooked: 22 micrograms (88 percent DV)
  • Grapes/Grape Juice (pure, unsweetened) – 1 cup juice: 8 micrograms (32 percent DV)
  • Potatoes — 1 cup: 3 micrograms (12 percent DV)
  • Garlic — 1 teaspoon: 3 micrograms (12 percent DV)
  • Basil — 1 tablespoon: 2 micrograms (8 percent DV)
  • Grass-Fed Beef — 3 oz: 2 micrograms (8 percent DV)
  • Oranges — 1 cup: 2 micrograms (8 percent DV)
  • Turkey — 3 oz: 2 micrograms (8 percent DV)
  • Green Beans — 1 cup cooked: 2 micrograms (8 percent DV)
  • Red Wine — 5 ounces: 1–13 mg 52 percent DV)
  • Apples — 1 medium: 1 micrograms (4 percent DV)
  • Bananas  1 medium: 1 micrograms (4 percent DV)