4. Eat Manuka Honey

To improve low stomach acid is use Manuka honey. Manuka honey is a specific type of honey out of New Zealand, and this honey has antimicrobial properties. People can develop things like SIBO symptoms — that’s small intestinal bacterial overgrowth — and the wrong type of bacteria in the stomach when they have low stomach acid. 
Manuka honey can help naturally treat conditions like SIBO.
Just take a teaspoon a day or a teaspoon twice a day. It can actually help in healing stomach ulcer symptoms, and it’s also great for low stomach acid.

1. Ingest Apple Cider Vinegar

To balance this pH in your stomach is use apple cider vinegar right before your meals. I would take one tablespoon and just a very small amount of water. Apple cider vinegar is a great natural remedy because apple cider vinegar has a very low pH in balance with your stomach.
Oftentimes I’ll add digestive bitters to my apple cider vinegar before a meal. You can get a little tincture of digestive bitters. In fact, bitters have been consumed for thousands of years right after meals or before meals to improve digestion.

2. Take Digestive Enzymes

The No. 2 step you want to start taking to improve your stomach acid are digestive enzymes. I would get a good digestive enzyme blend and take one to two caps right before your meal. You could even take that with the apple cider vinegar.
Digestive enzymes will help you fully break down those nutrients you ingest. If your stomach acid is too high, that will actually not allow you to break down the food you’re eating, so you must get plenty of enzymes. That’s not something you should have to take the rest of your life, but it is something you should take for a time until your stomach acid balances out.

3. Add HCL with Pepsin to Your Diet

The No. 3 thing you may consider if you have low stomach acid is HCL with pepsin — hydrochloric acid with pepsin. Now, hydrochloric acid is naturally created in your stomach. That is really the main thing that creates that very acidic environment to break down food. But if you’re deficient in hydrochloric acid, and stomach acid itself, that’s not going to allow you to fully digest and break down things like protein, which, over time, can also cause a condition called leaky gut.
So you want to do everything you can to heal and repair your gut. HCL with pepsin is a great thing you can start taking on a regular basis to really help heal your GI tract, help fight things like acid reflux and improve low stomach acid. It’s also one of the best leaky gut supplements around.
Now, the trick with HCL is you typically want to take that while you’re under the care of a physician or start off with one capsule. By the way, you only take HCL with pepsin if you’re taking protein during a meal. If you’re not taking protein in a meal, you don’t want to use it. If you’re getting quite a bit of protein foods in a meal — like chicken or beef — you want to take HCL.
When you get warmness in your stomach, that means you’re taking enough. You need to back it down. Some people need one capsule; other people may need to take up to nine capsules of HCL with pepsin.

Foods to enjoy during phase 1:
During the elimination phase, keep a supply of foods from the enjoy list on hand;  start the two-week period again.
High-quality clean proteins, including wild-caught salmon, grass-fed beef and lamb, and free-rage poultry and eggs are easy to digest — and will give your body essential nutrients and energy. You can still enjoy tomatoes, bananas, grapes, blueberries, strawberries, cantaloupe, honeydew melons and pineapple.
As your body heals from SIBO, eating fresh pineapple, which is rich in bromelain, each day can help lower inflammation while helping digestion. Bromelain has unbelievable health benefits, particularly for those with digestive disorders, allergies, asthma and joint pain.
In addition to pineapple, bananas help improve digestive health and boost energy levels
They’re a good source of both potassium and manganese, which the body needs while healing from SIBO. Carrots, cucumbers, leafy greens, squash, quinoa and sprouted nut butters are also on the enjoy list. 
Phase 2 — 
After two weeks it’s time to transfer to the GAPS diet plan and protocol. The GAPS diet helps repair leaky gut syndrome, rebalance bacteria throughout the digestive tract and prevent toxins entering the bloodstream. This nutritional plan also helps reduce food sensitivities, improve neurological function, boost the immune system, reduce anxiety and depression, and heal IBS.
 All grains, processed sugars, high-starch foods, processed foods, and non-organic meats and dairy should still be avoided. Your system is still healing from SIBO, and repairing your digestive tract and getting your body back in balance are the priorities.

GAPS Diet – Important Guidelines
  • Drink one cup of bone broth with each meal.
  • Use coconut oil or ghee for cooking.
  • Eat fruit in between meals, not with meals.
  • Introduce probiotic-rich foods slowly 
  • Consume only raw dairy fermented 24 hours or longer.
  • Include one tablespoon fermented Sauerkraut juice 

Incorporate organic coconut oil whenever possible during this stage. According to the Mayo Clinic, medium-chain triglycerides are easier to digest. The medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil, are just one of the reasons I believe it to be one of the healthiest fats on earth.

Supplements for SIBO

  • Vitamin 12
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin K
  • Probiotics
  • Digestive Enzymes
  • Iron
  • Zinc

Essential Oils for SIBO

peppermint oil is shown to provide relief from certain gastrointestinal symptoms, including IBS and others. (22)
This report highlighted the use of enteric-coated peppermint oil in the treatment of IBS, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia
Other essential oils like oregano oil and clove oil. Use only high-quality, food-grade essential oils. A drop or two in a glass of water prior to a meal can help reduce boating and gas, as well as other symptoms.