Combine 250 g of crushed garlic with 350 g of honey and keep in dark place for 1 week. Take 1 tbsp 3 times a day 30-40 min before meal. This will prevent atherosclerosis.
Natural home remedy for atherosclerosis : One should mix equal amount of honey and lemon juice and then swallow one tsp before going to bed.
Home remedy for atherosclerosis :
Mix equal amount of honey and lemon juice and swallow 1 teaspoon before bed time.
Garlic and onions have preventive measures against arteriosclerosis.
Good home remedy for atherosclerosis using lemon juice - Mix together 1 part of lemon juice, 2 parts of honey and 1/2 part of sunflower oil. Take 2 tbsp in the morning on empty stomach. This remedy helps to make the walls of small blood vessels stronger and increases their elasticity.
Eating spinach everyday is also good thought to get rid of atherosclerosis.
Natural home remedy for atherosclerosis : One should mix equal amount of honey and lemon juice and then swallow one tsp before going to bed.
Home remedy for atherosclerosis :
Mix equal amount of honey and lemon juice and swallow 1 teaspoon before bed time.
Garlic and onions have preventive measures against arteriosclerosis.
Simple home remedy for atherosclerosis Drink carrot juice daily. Carrot juice is rich in vitamin A. This is useful in dissolving the depositions of cholesterol and in keeping the condition of atherosclerosis away.
Good home remedy for atherosclerosis using lemon juice - Mix together 1 part of lemon juice, 2 parts of honey and 1/2 part of sunflower oil. Take 2 tbsp in the morning on empty stomach. This remedy helps to make the walls of small blood vessels stronger and increases their elasticity.
Diet tips for atherosclerosis
The patient should be given optimum diet that consist of seeds, nuts and grains, vegetables and fruits, and with on raw foods and sprouted seeds should not be forgotten.Eating spinach everyday is also good thought to get rid of atherosclerosis.