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People eat more sugar than they realize, mostly from “healthy” sources like fruit. 

Unfortunately, sugars unknowingly feed yeast and unfriendly bacteria in their gut. Diet included copious amounts of these “healthy” sugars, mostly from fruit that contained higher amounts of fructose. Guess what candida loves besides regular sugar? Yup, fructose.

Fruits contain various amounts of two simple sugars, glucose and fructose. While pretty much all your cells can utilize glucose as fuel, only your liver can metabolize fructose. This poses a major problem when it comes to your metabolism.

Large amounts of this sugar—yes, even from “healthy” fruit— get stored as unsightly fat in the middle and result in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), a growing epidemic.

Research also shows that fructose is lipogenic and behaves more like a fat than a carbohydrate in the body. That includes the usual suspects like soda, which is riddled with high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) consisting of 55% fructose, but also fruit juices and sweeteners. 

Agave, which has been marketed as a “healthy” alternative sweetener, is actually worse than HFCS, having anywhere from 55—97% fructose content.
Excessive fructose also creates advanced glycation end-products , which trigger oxidative damage, inflammation, and lots of other health-wrecking chaos that lead to cellular aging, as the name implies.
The most drastic consequences of having too much fructose in your diet is insulin resistance, where your cells can’t “hear” the call of this sugar-storing hormone; and leptin resistance, where your brain doesn’t get this hormone’s message to stop eating before you reach for seconds and thirds.
Your gut bacteria—especially the bad guys—also love fructose, gobbling it up and triggering bad bacterial overgrowth. 

A healthy gut flora that's high in friendly bacteria is essential for overall health.
Here are some tips on how to improve your gut flora:
  • Eat more prebiotic foods --- Eat plenty of foods rich in prebiotic fibers, such as onions, oats and bananas.
  • Consume more probiotics --  Probiotics may increase the abundance of healthy gut bacteria. Foods, such as Kefir & kimchi  are all excellent sources. 

  • Make time for quality sleep
  • Reduce stress --  Regular exercise and deep breathing exercises may help reduce your stress levels


Your gut bacteria play an important role in your overall health, and disruption to the gut flora has been linked to a number of health problems.

  Candida Diet  

Eliminate grains, sugars, fruits, starches and alcohol from your diet for three to five days. For this cleanse stage, keep away from any starchy vegetables like carrots, radishes, beets, sweet potatoes and white potatoes. Drink plenty of pure water to help flush the candida and byproducts from your system.

Going forward, you want eat high-quality protein foods, and gluten-free grains like brown rice. 

  Copper Antagonists  

These are minerals that help excrete copper.
Manganese ......  
Brown rice, Spinach, Pumpkin seeds, Wheat grass,
Salmon, Chicken

Cucumber, celeryKefir, eggs, Tomatoes, Carrots, Almonds.

Zinc -  A -  D - B - C -  E - &
Sulphur [ Cabbage]  are crucial to fight off Candida.

 A deficiency in zinc can also cause the leaky gut.

What to eat:

  • yeast free mealNon-starchy vegetables Spinach, Cruciferous  and cucumber.

  • Protein antibiotic free
  • Eggs
  • Kefir
  • Coconut oil
  • Garlic, raw 
  • berries and cherries but NO the first few weeks
  • gluten-free grains in moderation

Candida Diet Foods to Eat & Avoid - Dr.Axe


Sauerkraut contain microflora that help protect the intestines. Regular consumption can help improve the immune system, making the body less hospitable for candida. (2)


Green vegetables like Spinach, help alkalize the body, which fights against the acidic nature of yeast overgrowth. Greens are high in magnesium that naturally detox the body. 

Vitamin C to build the immune system, chlorophyll to cleanse the body, B vitamins and iron to give the body full support. (3)

  Coconut oil  

 The combination of lauric acid and caprylic acid found in coconut oil kills off harmful candida through ingestion OR topical application. (4)


 Raw garlic benefits the fight against candida specifically. (6)

  Candida Supplements  

  1. Probiotics (50 billion units daily)
  2. Oregano oil (2 drops 3 times daily for 7 days then stop)
  3. Garlic (2 caps or cloves daily)
  4. Vitamin C (1,000 mg, 3 x daily)