Candida can be totally controlled in a few days to two weeks for most cases -- a few cases may take longer than that.

Eat fruit always on an empty stomach. This ensures that the fruit digests, rather than ferments. Fruit in the stomach with any other food will ferment and certainly feed the Candida. Candida lives off of sugar and alcohol. It prefers slightly fermented sugars.

When Candida is in the blood in any quantity, the person will have a variety of symptoms and will not feel well. 

Feeding the person, while starving the Candida is the process of healing Candida quickly. 

To eliminate candida and you must eliminate sugar and any starch. Sugar that is fermented feeds Candida.

Regular sugar feeds Candida too, but if that sugar feeds you much faster than the Candida than is less of a threat.

With monthly 3-5 day juice fasts of carrot juice with lots of greens, parsley and spinach, will take your digestion back in time about 20 years and will help you avoid overeating.

Candida,  fail to chew their food to a paste before swallowing. These undigested food particles will feed yeast, thicken the blood, and create acidity and disease.

Healthy glucose is the last thing that anyone expects to hear recommended on a Candida diet. 

There is nothing you need more than high quality glucose and oxygen. The oxygen is a separate discussion, but glucose is vital.

The first thing that happens when your body is low on glucose is that a hormone is secreted from your brain saying that it is starving and it needs more glucose.

 This hormone (called ACTH) causes the adrenals to release cortisol (which causes a mess if released too often due to stress or bad dietary choices which causes two important things to happen: 
1. The body cells release protein to manufacture into glucose in the liver -- a process that pulls out water, minerals and other nutrients and causes deficiency. So those same cells become glucose resistant. The protein is taken to the liver where a toxic form of glucose synthesis takes place. 

This process is natural and normal and no problem for your body if it happens once in a while. When it happens a lot, there is a problem.

The glucose is released into the blood and the brain takes up all it can. Immediately, there is an excess of glucose (a sugar) in the blood which your body cells will not readily take up because the cortisol made them glucose resistant.

The body will whip the pancreas to release high levels of insulin to get that sugar into the cells (where it is needed) and out of the blood (where it can cause problems).

This is a less desirable process to simply eating plenty of high quality glucose in the first place. This means ripe fruit, honey, sprouts and raw vegetables. Generally eat a piece of fruit 20 minutes before each meal. 

 just fruit for breakfast will not hang out in the blood for Candida to eat or blood sugar to increase. This will build up glycogen stores, which will release glucose anytime it is needed so that the whole cortisol process does not have to take place.

Sugars that are immediately usable by the body are no threat. This includes whole sugars with enzymes in tact and trace minerals and water to aid in their use. This is what you get from ripe fruit, honey, sprouts and raw non-starchy vegetables.

This is what the body really needs to be healthy. It needs high quality glucose and oxygen in its cells, not its blood.

Avoid combining proteins and starches and fruit with anything. Always eat fruit on an empty stomach, fruit will heal you and will actually repel Candida in several ways provided that it digests, rather than ferments.

 This means eating it on an empty stomach and chewing it completely.

Zinc, selenium, vitamin A and vitamin D are also crucial for the body to fight off Candida, so if you are deficient in any of these, you will be more vulnerable to overgrowth. Many people are deficient in zinc, because some microbes have developed the ability to make you excrete your zinc in your urine in order to disable your immune system. A deficiency in zinc can also cause the lining of your gut to become weak and more permeable, which results in leaky gut and the escape of toxins and undigested food particles into the bloodstream.

Top 10 Magnesium Foods Infographic Chart


Candida sufferers are often deficient in magnesium. This is because the Candida yeast interferes with the way that magnesium is taken up in your intestine. 
A deficiency in magnesium can result in fatigue, immune disorders, leg cramps, headaches, low energy and fibromyalgia.

Potassium Foods List


Biotin is found in many foods, but Candida sufferers are frequently found to have deficiencies in this important vitamin. This happens for two main reasons. Firstly, one of the body’s major sources of Biotin is actually your intestinal flora. The friendly bur gut synthesize biotin and release it into your bloodstream. Secondly, deficiency in Biotin (otherwise known as vitamin B7) can also be caused by a course of broad spectrum antibiotics, which is of course a common cause of Candida overgrowth too. Biotin is particularly important for Candida sufferers because it prevents the Candida yeast cells from converting into the pathogenic, fungal form.

Blood sugar balance

Diets low in biotin impair the production of insulin, a key hormone in the balancing of blood sugar. Deficiency of biotin also affects the way insulin acts on cells,  low biotin intake potentially creates sugar problems.

The biotin-rich foods are also strong sources of fiber, which make them great staples for people with blood sugar problems, SO adding an ounce of nuts into the diet for 12 weeks led to significant improvement in blood sugar control for people at high risk of developing diabetes.


Tomatoes1 cup32.47.202413.3excellent
Almonds0.25 cup132.214.72496.7very good
Eggs1 each77.58.00276.2very good
Onions1 cup92.47.98275.2very good
Carrots1 cup50.06.10207.3very good
Romaine Lettuce2 cups16.01.7966.7very good
Cauliflower1 cup28.51.6153.4very good
Sweet Potato1 cup180.08.60292.9good
Oats0.25 cup151.77.80263.1good
Peanuts0.25 cup206.96.40211.9good
Walnuts0.25 cup196.25.70191.7good
Salmon4 oz157.64.54151.7good
Yogurt1 cup149.43.92131.6good
Banana1 medium105.03.07101.8good
Raspberries1 cup64.02.3482.2good
Cow's milk4 oz74.42.3281.9good
Strawberries1 cup46.11.5852.1good
Watermelon1 cup45.61.5252.0good
Grapefruit0.50 medium41.01.2841.9good
Cucumber1 cup15.60.9433.6good