is a trace mineral, meaning it is needed in a very small quantity. Its primary role is to help form hemoglobin and collagen in the body.
A deficiency in copper results in poorly formed red blood cells, known as anemia. It also is an antioxidant, helping with the elimination of free radicals.
Copper deficiency symptoms can include increased parasitic infections, weakness from anemia and leaky gut.
Copper must stay in balance with zinc and iron in the body as well and if you consume too much of one it can throw the others out of balance.
The RDA for copper is 900 mcg/day. The Daily Value is 2 mg.

Copper foods list

Zinc Aids in Digestion

Zinc affects protein synthesis and is required by the body to use amino acids from foods. It’s also involved in the breakdown of carbohydrates from foods, which are one of the main sources of energy for the body. For this reason, deficiency in zinc can cause low energy levels and contribute to adrenal or chronic fatigue, whereas consuming enough zinc benefits ongoing energy and a healthy metabolism.

Supports Liver Health

Supplementing with zinc is shown to reduce the incidence of infection and correlated with lower levels of liver damage. Zinc can help with a liver cleanseto reduce inflammation in the liver, reduces free radical damage, helps with nutrient absorption and allows for proper waste elimination.

Muscle Growth and Repair

Zinc plays a crucial role in cell division and cell growth, so zinc benefits muscle repairment and growth by making it possible for the body to heal itself and maintain strength in the muscular and skeletal systems. Zinc also helps with the release of testosterone, growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), all of which build muscle mass and a healthy metabolism.

Zinc foods

 Magnesium Rich Foods

Women RDA 310 milg a day
  1. Spinach — 1 cup 40% 
  2. Dark Chocolate — 1 square 24% 
  3. Avocado — 1 med 15% 
  4. Pumpkin seeds — 1/8 cup 23% 
  5. Almonds — 1 ounce 20% 
  6. Yogurt or Kefir — 1 cup 13% 
  7. Banana — 1 med 8% 

Other foods that are also high in magnesium include: salmon, coriander, cashews, goat cheese and artichokes.

Top 10 Magnesium Foods Infographic Chart

    Top 10 potassium-rich foods - Dr. Axe 

    Important Sources Of Potassium

    A balanced diet must contain a fair quantity of potassium, as per the recommendations of health experts. The most important dietary sources are citrus fruitsvegetables, and grains. Also, you can get an ample amount of potassium from salmonchicken, whole milk, fresh fruit juices, and almonds. Apart from those, nutslime beans, potatoes, and poultry are other products to be included in the potassium boosting list. However, the most important sources of potassium are avocadosbananas, and coconut water.

     Prevents Muscle Spasms and Pain

    By balancing fluid levels, potassium helps the muscles to relax, so low potassium can result in muscle spasms, cramps and general pains. Because of how it’s used to help breakdown carbs and proteins that muscles rely on for energy and repair, low potassium can also cause a breakdown of muscle mass, fatigue, trouble exercising and can even possibly contribute to weight gain.


    Deficiency of any nutrient in the body is undesirable and potassium is not an exception. A diet deficient in it may lead to symptoms like fatigue and muscle weakness, anemia and severe headaches
    Potassium-deficient people may also experience high blood pressure, pain in their intestines, swelling in their glands and diabetes as serious side effects of this deficiency.

    Needed for Proper Digestion
    Potassium acts like an electrolyte, helping to balance water, fluid and sodium levels within the digestive tract. Low potassium can contribute to bloating, constipation or abdominal pain in some cases because fluids build up and cause imbalances in minerals.
    It’s also partially responsible for balancing the amount of acid in the stomach, healing the gut and keeping the body at the optimal pH levelThis allows healthy bacteria to thrive and kill off harmful bacteria that lower immunity.
    is a source of potassium, dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E (alpha tocopherol), vitamin K, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, pantothenic acid, iron, zinc, copper, manganese and selenium. 
    Wheatgrass is also a source of protein.


    Recommended Daily Fiber:
    Women 25 grams
    Men 35-40 grams

    Avocado halved

    1. Avocados

    Total Dietary Fiber: 10.5 grams per cup (sliced)
    Notable Nutrients: Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Folate, Vitamin K, Potassium
    The fiber content of avocados varies depending on the type. There is a difference in fiber content and makeup between the between the bright green, smooth skinned avocados (Florida avocados) and the smaller darker and dimpled variety (California avocados). Florida avocados have significantly more insoluble fiber than California avocados. In addition to the fiber, avocados are packed with healthy fats that help to lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease. Start incorporating fresh avocado into your diet with some of these avocado recipes.

    Chinese Asian Pears

    2. Asian Pears

    Total Dietary Fiber: 9.9 grams of fiber per medium fruit, skin on.
    Notable Nutrients: Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Omega 6 fatty acids, Potassium
    Crisp, sweet, and delicious, Asian Pears contain high levels of fiber, but also is rich in Omega-6 fatty acids (149 mg per serving) associated with healthy cells, brain and nerve function.(1) The American Heart Association recommends at least 5%-10% of food calories come from Omega 6 fatty acid foods.

    Mixed Fresh Berries

    3. Berries

    Raspberry Total Dietary Fiber: 8 grams of fiber per cup
    Raspberry Notable Nutrients: Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Folate, Total
    Blackberry Dietary Fiber: 7.6 grams of fiber per cup
    Blackberry Notable Nutrients: Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Omega 6 fatty acids, Potassium, Magnesium, Potassium, Manganese
    Blackberries are high in Vitamin K that is associated with boosting of  bone density, while the raspberry’s high manganese levels help to support healthy bones, skin, and blood sugar levels. All of these benefits, in addition to providing a great tasting way to add fiber to your diet. Try my easy Blackberry Sorbetrecipe; frozen raspberries, or a combination of the two would work well too.