1. Liquids-Only 1–2 Days
Start by making a vegetable broth from organic onions, garlic, celery, kale, sea salt and pure water. .
Throughout the day, sip on warm broth, it can be repeated as needed every few weeks. 

2. Steamed Vegetables 3–5 Days
By eliminating grains, sugars, fruits, starches and alcohol from your diet for three to five days.
Eat fresh, organic vegetables that have been steamed, keep away from any starchy vegetables like carrots, radishes, beets, sweet potatoes and white potatoes, which may feed the candida. 
During this time, once a day, you can eat salads made from leafy greens spinach, romaine or bitter greens.
Once you’re done with the cleansing move on to an antifungal diet   — it helps your body get rid of candida for good! 

Remove the Problem Foods
The top offenders include sugar, white flour, yeast and alcohol.The candida yeast cells need sugar to build their cell walls. 
Going forward, you want your diet to be centered on vegetables, high-quality protein foods, and gluten-free grains like brown rice and buckwheat.

Potatoes, carrots, sweet potatoes, beets, peas and parsnips can be reintroduced later on in your treatment.

How long do I need to eat like this? 
 A few weeks to several months. It really depends on the severity of your candida. However, you can gradually reintroduce certain foods into your new candida diet.
Green apples and more foods that you have been avoiding. Do it slowly and one item at a time.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar
The acid and enzymes in apple cider vinegar help to kill and get rid of excess yeast in the body. (1)
3. Green Veggies & Green Drinks
Leafy green vegetables help alkalize the body, which fights against the acidic nature of yeast overgrowth,  chlorophyll cleanse the body.
Candida Diet Foods to Eat & Avoid - Dr.Axe