
This yummy fruit is very high on good fat content. It is also rich in minerals and vitamins, which works together to give you a complete artery cleanse. Mash and have it with some veggies or even on its own with.

 Orange Juice

Orange juice is high on vitamins content along with antioxidants that helps to get rid of clogged particles in the blood vessels and your arteries. Ideally, you should try to have some orange juice with pulp because of the benefits of the fibres.

Orange Juice

Feta Cheese

Moderate consumption of feta cheese on a regular basis helps you to get the goodness of healthy fats, but without causing any health problems. These fats don’t get deposited on the arteries, rather they help you to unclog the same.


Black Coffee

2 cups of black coffee a day, without any added sugar is known for helping you cleanse the arteries. However, remember to not go overboard because too much caffeine can slow down the progress of the cleansing arteries.


An amazing cleansing agent, spinach really works to cleanse the arteries, but does the task best when taken raw. So you should try to have more of spinach in salads and juices rather than the cooked forms for best results.
Spinach (2)


Watermelon is high on water and purifying ingredients that gives your system a complete cleanse. Water melon should be chewed upon instead of taking the juice so that you get the best of fibres and natural juices to cleanse your arteries.


You can munch on celery sticks or even have their juice. Celery contains natural detoxifying agents that are known for not only cleansing the arteries but also get rid of toxins that are plagued along its walls.