Iron is an essential mineral found in all cells of the body. Iron deficiency is a condition in which too little iron is in the body, resulting in weakness and fatigue, among other symptoms. Chicken and beef liver contain high amounts of iron. They're good sources to meet daily iron intake.

Iron Content

Chicken liver is one of the richest sources of iron; A 100g slice of pan-fried chicken liver contains 13mg iron, or approximately 72 percent daily value.

Types of Cholesterol

Cholesterol is important in maintaining cell membranes and repairing them, manufacturing testosterone and estrogen, and producing vitamin D. According to the American Heart Association, on average, 75 percent of your body's cholesterol is manufactured by the liver, while the remaining 25 percent is obtained from food sources. Because it cannot dissolve in blood, cholesterol must form a complex with soluble proteins in order to be transported. Most cholesterol in the blood is found in two types of complexes; high-density lipoprotein, the "good" cholesterol, and low-density lipoprotein, or the "bad" cholesterol. LDL delivers cholesterol to your cells, and HDL transports cholesterol back to the liver for elimination.

Normal Cholesterol Levels

It's essential to maintain normal levels of cholesterol in order to decrease your risk of developing atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, heart attack and stroke. Cholesterol is monitored via a fasting blood test that evaluates your total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. Your total cholesterol level is a sort of composite overview; the more telling numbers are the HDL and LDL levels. Total cholesterol levels should be under 200 mg/dL, with HDL levels of at least 40 mg/dL and LDL levels less than 100 mg/dL.

Iron is a dietary mineral that plays a key role in a variety of bodily processes. A major function of iron is the role it plays in supporting the transport of oxygen in the body; nearly two-thirds of iron in the body is found in hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a protein found in red blood cells that transports oxygen throughout the body. Iron is also required for certain chemical reactions in the body and the production of amino acids, neurotransmitters and hormones. The two forms of dietary iron include heme, which comes from animal sources, and nonheme, which comes from plant sources. Heme iron, the form found in chicken and beef liver, is more easily absorbed by the body as compared to nonheme iron.

Dietary Reference Intakes

8mg iron per day for adult males and 18mg per day for females ages 19 to 50. Pregnant women need the highest amount of iron per day, with a recommendation of 27mg per day; adolescent women between ages 14 and 18 need 15mg per day. Lactating women need approximately 9mg to 10mg per day. Children ages 1 to 3 need 7mg per day, and those 4 to 8 need 10mg per day. The tolerable upper limit intake levels for iron are 40mg to 45mg iron per day.


The major symptoms of anemia include the following:

What causes anemia?

Low levels of iron is the most common cause of anemia.
  • An iron-poor diet
  • people over 65 are low in iron
  • people who have kidney failure because they have trouble making red blood cells
  • people who have trouble absorbing iron.


Foods are high in iron?

Iron from animal sources is known as heme iron and is found in various meats and fish.  Heme iron is better absorbed by the body than nonheme iron.
The following foods are good sources of heme iron (from animal sources):
  • Chicken liver
  • Beef liver
  • Turkey
  • Tuna
  • Eggs

  • Good sources of nonheme iron (from plants):

  • Instant oatmeal
  • Beans (kidney, lima, Navy)
  • Lentils
  • Molasses
  • Spinach
  • Whole wheat bread
  • Peanut butter
  • Brown rice
Try to combine nonheme iron foods with vitamin C (for example, a glass of orange juice) to increase absorption of iron.


Postoje neke namirnice i biljke koje su bogate željezom pa mogu pomoći kod blagih oblika.
Obično simptomi uključuju umor, smanjenje energije, slabost, kratkoću daha, promjene u boji kože, kao i vrtoglavicu.

Smanjenje broja crvenih krvnih stanica smanjuje opskrbu tijela kisikom.
Kod osoba koje imaju anemiju krvne stanice ne proizvode dovoljno hemoglobina, proteina bogatog željezom, koje je nužno za zdrave mišiće, pa se zbog toga javlja kod anemičnih osoba slabost i pojačani umor i vrtoglavica.

Osobe koje imaju anemiju teško zaspu i bude se tijekom sna bez obzira što se osjećaju umorno.
Anemija se odražava i na oralno zdravlje.

Anemija može uzrokovati bolesti zubnih desni i paradentozu.
Kod osoba koje imaju anemiju koža će općenito biti isušenija, sivkasta i sklonija modricama.

Od znakova anemije koji se mogu uočiti kod kuće su nizak krvni tlak i niska tjelesna temperatura. Bez obzira na okruženje tijelo bi trebalo zadržati normalnu tjelesnu temperaturu od 36,6 do 37 stupnjeva. Niska tjelesna temperatura može biti signal anemije, jer crvene krvne stanice ne funkcioniraju kako bi trebalo, a s premalo željeza u krvi smanjuje se mogućnost tijela da regulira temperaturu.

Nedostatak vitamina B-12 i željeza također može utjecati na krvi tlak. Kada je protok krvi manji, arterije odgovaraju s manje otpora, pa to rezultira nižim krvnim tlakom.

Lijek za liječenje anemije je kopriva. Kopriva je biljka koja se tradicionalno upotrebljava za jačanje krvi.
Kopriva je biljka koja je bogata željezom, a budući da je u njoj prisutan i vitamin C, konzumiranje pripravaka od koprive bit će posebno učinkovito protiv umora. 

Drugi poznati lijek za anemiju su jabuke. Trebali biste pojesti jednu do dvije jabuke dnevno. Ovo voće je bogato željezom, Vitamin C je bitan za apsorpciju željeza, dnevno popijte jednu limunadu od svježe iscijeđenog limuna.
Caj od šipka je bogat vitaminom C. Med je također poznati prirodni lijek za anemiju. Dobra kombinacija je žlica limunovog soka, žlica meda i žlica razrijeđenog jabučnog octa. Uzmite ovu smjesu jedanput dnevno.
Uzimajte kompleks vitamina B, kako biste unijeli dovoljno B12 vitamina u organizam.

Sok od cikle dobar je lijek za anemiju, kao i 3 do 4 suhe smokve.